Your AI Persona attends online meetings for you!

Imagine an AI version of you can join your meetings, participate in discussions, ask and respond to questions. You can scale your influence, attend multiple meetings at the same time, provide valuable advise and insights to your meeting audiences.

Setup in less than 10 minutes.

  1. Create your AI Persona.

  2. Add your AI Persona to meetings.

  3. Get meeting transcripts to review offline.

  4. Have your AI Persona attend as many meetings as you’d like!

Pre-order today (50% OFF sale until August 17, 2024).

$199 $99/year


  1. Soopra AI Persona creation. (Train with your data).

  2. Chat and talk with expert AI personas.

  3. Monetize your AI persona by creating master classes for people to learn from.

  4. Meeth, your AI persona, attend meetings, participate, influence and scale!